November 10, 2020 - Learning new techniques

Painting can have such rewarding , happy , just flowing days and a beautiful painting is produced. Then there are others, like yesterday, I put to much paint on and then took too much off … so today I am starting over. Yes, oil gesso white, then wait till it dries enough so I can start over. 

What was I wishing to accomplish? The look of stained glass, a glow and paint needs to be layered from the yellow and in this case adding blues to make multiple layers of green. To have the painting have a sense of flow.

In the “Stained Glass Mediation”,, I put down Prussian Blue to make and underlying design. Then started to add the yellows, blues and greens all over the canvas.  After adding those globs of color it was a chaotic mess so I started squeegeeing the paint off. Then as the paint started to mix on the canvas.  Excitement happened ,the mixture began to glow with the lovely yellows, touches of orange and turquoise, all the new colors just happened. That is a day where, I say, God helps add to my intuition to paint! I always loved the results.