Welcome to my blog!

It's so exciting to be posting my first blog! As a visual person, I love to communicate feelings through my art. This forum, however, will be a great opportunity to talk about the creative process and provide the story behind individual paintings. I'll share the challenges and joys of painting, respond to your comments, and provide techniques and tips on painting in watercolor and oil. 

I look forward to building friendships through this blog. In addition to my own comments, I welcome input from you. What artists do you admire? If you're just starting to paint, are you finding it fulfilling? Do you prefer watercolor or oil? Favorite subject matter? I would love to get a conversation going within this community.

In my next blog I'll deconstruct a painting from inspiration through completion. There are many ups and downs along the way and I'll let you in on every step. Until then, thank you for visiting my website—and my blog— and see you back here soon.
